FB group

by Valdemar Karlsson
Event List Ranking Records Athletes Medic statement form for athletes

Apnea rankingathlete data

Avraham Fisher,ISR /Male

Personal bestWorldRankingNationalRankingGraf World/National rank
DisiplineRPOutcomePointsRank%Record pointsRank%Record points
STA5:36Ok WHITE67.2#97648.3139.0#686.877.4
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DNF54m- WHITE27.0#291122.5120.0#2340.367.0
- -
DYN0m 0.0#40270.0148.0#330.0100.0
- -
DYNB0m 0.0#13720.0145.0#110.090.0
- -
CNF0m 0.0#8250.0101.0#160.061.0
- -
FIM0m 0.0#14170.0127.0#210.083.0
- -
CWT0m 0.0#18460.0128.0#320.0100.0
- -
CWTB0m 0.0#5420.0120.0#100.080.0
- -
POOL  94.2#342518.4510.9#2233.5281.3
- -
DEPTH  0.0#27600.0428.0#450.0295.0
- -
ALL  94.2#394410.7879.2#3318.6507.7
- -
12020-12-07STA5:36Ok WHITE67.2AIDA Blue Ocean Pool Comp - Celebration of Solar Panels
22020-12-08STA5:36Ok WHITE67.2AIDA Blue Ocean Pool Comp - Celebration of Solar Panels
32020-12-09STA5:36Ok WHITE67.2AIDA Blue Ocean Pool Comp - Celebration of Solar Panels
42020-12-10STA5:36Ok WHITE67.2AIDA Blue Ocean Pool Comp - Celebration of Solar Panels
52019-04-15STA3:58RP YELLOW47.6Free2be Israeli National pool championship
62019-04-16STA3:58RP YELLOW47.6Free2be Israeli National pool championship
72019-04-15DNF54m- WHITE27.0Free2be Israeli National pool championship
82019-04-16DNF54m- WHITE27.0Free2be Israeli National pool championship
Graf all dives
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