FB group

by Valdemar Karlsson
Event List Ranking Records Athletes Medic statement form for athletes

Apnea rankingathlete data

Yair Zucker,ISR /Male

Personal bestWorldRankingNationalRankingGraf World/National rank
DisiplineRPOutcomePointsRank%Record pointsRank%Record points
STA4:22OK WHITE52.4#305937.7139.0#1867.777.4
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DNF0m 0.0#34890.0120.0#270.067.0
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DYN67mPEN YELLOW24.0#389916.2148.0#3024.0100.0
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DYNB0m 0.0#13720.0145.0#110.090.0
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CNF0m 0.0#8250.0101.0#160.061.0
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FIM29mAP YELLOW7.0#14055.5127.0#218.483.0
- -
CWT0m 0.0#18560.0128.0#360.0100.0
- -
CWTB0m 0.0#5420.0120.0#100.080.0
- -
POOL  76.4#429815.0510.9#3527.2281.3
- -
DEPTH  7.0#27521.6428.0#482.4295.0
- -
ALL  83.4#44949.5879.2#4216.4507.7
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12012-05-23STA4:22OK WHITE52.4Israeli National Pool Competition
22012-05-24STA4:22OK WHITE52.4Israeli National Pool Competition
32012-05-23DYN67mPEN YELLOW24.0Israeli National Pool Competition
42012-05-24DYN67mPEN YELLOW24.0Israeli National Pool Competition
52016-09-23FIM29mAP YELLOW7.0Free 2 be
62016-09-24FIM29mAP YELLOW7.0Free 2 be
72016-09-25FIM29mAP YELLOW7.0Free 2 be
82016-09-26FIM29mAP YELLOW7.0Free 2 be
Graf all dives
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